

The term ‘organic farming’ is one of those themes that is much discussed and debated in recent times. Awareness about the importance of switching over to organic farming and its benefits on soil and mankind has been spreading rapidly in the past few years. Due to the continuous efforts of environmentalists, people have now become mindful about the impact of excessive usage of chemicals and fertilizers on the soil. The key motive of Organic farming is to uphold soil fertility for a long term through soil biological activity and restricted mechanical intervention. In this method of farming, artificial fertilizers are not used as they degrade the quality of soil and the produces in the long run. Natural manure from livestock, organic wastes, legumes and crop residues are utilized so that they enrich soil texture and fertility. This natural manure enables the soil to acquire the required amount of nitrogen for crop growth. Nutrients required for crops are supplied by the micro organisms that thrive in the soil. These organisms get killed when artificial fertilizers are sprinkled on the soil. Organic farming encourages the growth of such micro organisms thereby cutting out the dependency on chemicals for nutrient requirements of the crops. Another major trouble that hugely depends on fertilizers for a solution is pest control. It is widely believed that chemicals are the only way out to the problems posed by pests and weeds in farm lands. But organic farming suggests precise techniques to handle such threats. Crop rotation method is one such remedy. Sowing different seeds each term keeping in mind the nature of soil, available resources and its requirements, enables a farmer to produce pest and disease free crop output. Farmers, who seek guidance on soil and farming related issues, now have access to numerous environment specialists through internet. One such website that facilitates such interactions is This call centre attends to all doubts, clarification or improvisations regarding farming. Farmers receive expert guidance on the issues as this initiative is a platform for farmers and scientists to exchange ideas and suggestions. Organic farming does not stop with soil nurturing but caters to animal welfare as well. Management of livestock, tending to their nutritional necessities, breeding and rearing are the aspects covered in organic farming. This is because organic farming includes conserving the soil, livestock and the environment in a natural and healthy... read more

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