
Easy Techniques of Increasing Soil Fertility

Crops require soil, water, sun and air to flourish. When we talk about soil, quality trumps quantity. Fertile land includes a healthy mix of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous, along with air, water and soil micro-organisms that are responsible for breaking down organic matter. Today, due to destructive land use practices like deforestation and over-fertilization, soil is losing vital nutrients. Additionally, remember the fact that inorganic fertilizer can never replace original topsoil.

So, if you want to know the effective farming tips that can increase soil fertility, read on.

Cover Cropping

Cover crops include perennial, biennial, or annual herbaceous plants that are grown in mixed or pure stands. In this method, the farmers plant a tree, vine or bush alongside other crops which help in stimulating a healthy soil system, preventing overexposure to the sun and cutting soil-eroding wind.

Adding Organic Matters

Organic matters contribute by improving soil structure, increasing infiltration and water holding capacity and efficient long-term storage of nutrients. Farmers can add organic substances which include thousands of different elements derived from groundhogs that died in their burrows, manure, microorganisms, roots, decayed leaves and more. These materials help in building healthy soil.

Careful Use of Tillage

Tillage is a crucial part of various organic systems. Efficient management of organic matter, tilth, soil, and fertility are a critical aspect of ensuring successful farming system. With careful tillage before planting and cultivation can help in controlling weeds and reducing the incidences of insect pests and seedling diseases.

One Response to “Easy Techniques of Increasing Soil Fertility”

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